A New Adventure?

Would you like to become more self-aware, reflect on your life story, and grow your awareness of the “Holy in the ordinary”? Do you notice the moments of grace in your life? Are you searching for practices that will help you connect more deeply with the sacred? Would you like to respond to the inner invitations that arise in your life of faith?

Whether you're new to the concept of Spiritual Direction or have felt a strong pull towards it, this is a space that welcomes you with open arms. Your unique background and beliefs are not barriers; they enrich our collective exploration. You will be embraced with love and acceptance as we embark on this journey of spiritual growth together.

I am located in the East Coast Bays of the North Shore, and am happy to meet in person or using Zoom.

Present-day Spiritual Directors do not give answers or tell Directees what to do in their relationship with God. Instead, we listen, with the Directee to explore how the Spirit of God is present and active. Directors support and encourage Directees as we jointly listen to and respond to God.


I am an Associate Member of the Association of Christian Spiritual Directors, click the ACSD icon for my page.